255 research outputs found

    Sastra sebagai Pemahaman Antarbudaya

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    Pemahaman antarbudaya merupakan USAha untuk memahamikehidupan sosial budaya berbagai bangsa ~ain di dunia yang amat bergunauntuk menjalin hubungan dan kerja sama antarbangsa. Ada banyakeara memahami budaya bangsa lain yang meneakup berbagai aspekkehidupan. dan salah satunya adalah pemahaman lewat karya sastra. Dimanapun dan kapanpun sastra dituEs tidak pernah lepas dari situasikekosongan budaya. Sastra akan meneerminkan pola kehidupan budayamasyarakat yang menjadi setingnya. Kelahiran karya sastra diprakondisioleh kehidupan sosial budaya masyarakat di mana pengarang menjadibagian di dalamnya. Dengan demikian. membaca dan mempelajari karyasastra secara langsung atau tidak langsung berarti mengenal dan memahamikehidupan sosial budaya masyarakat yang bersangkutan.Genre sastra yang paling komprehensif memberikan saranapemahaman antarbudaya adaJah karya liksi khususnya novel. Novel yangpaling baik dibaca u.ntuk. tllj.lIan tersebut adalah yang berseting tipikal,khususnya yang menyangkut lInsllr latar sosial budaya. Novel yangberlatar budaya tipikal akan menggambarkan keadaan kehidupan sosialbudaya masyarakat yang bersangkutan secara rellektif, dan karenanyadapat dipandang bersifat dokumentatif. Karya-karya semacam SriSilmarah, Pengakllan Pm·O'em. Canting, dan Para Priyayi merupakancontoh karya yang secara meyakinkan mercfleksikan budaya Jawa didalamnya.

    Implikatur Percakapan (Sebuah Tinjauan Psikolinguistik)

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    Dalam percakapan sehari-hari orang tidak selarnanyamempergunakan bentuk-bentuk kebahasaan yang bermaknaliteral, meJainkan juga memakai bentuk-bentuk lain yang 0ermaknatidak langsung. Walau antara bentuk kebahasaan yangdipakai dengan makna yang dimaksud tak ada kesesuaian,orang rnasih dapat memahami maksud pembicaraan denganmembuat implikatur-implikatur. lrnplikatur merupakan maknaekstra yang sengaja diinferensikan untuk menjembataniperbedaan antara bentuk kebahasaan yang dipakai denganmakna yang dimaksudkan dalam konteks prakmatikpercakapan. Implikatur memberikan penafsiran pragmatisyang mampu melewati dan rr:enembus b,atas-batas strukturallinguistik. lmplikatur' lebih diderivasikan dari struktur logikaatau semantis daripada 'struktur lahir kebahasaan.Untuk dapat memanfaatkan implikatur secara b~ik.ada semacam aturan yang perlu dipatuhi pembicara, yaituyang disebut maksiro percakapan. Ada empat macam maksim.yaitu maksim kualitas yang bei"kaitan dengan kebenaraninformasi yang dikatakan, maksiro kuantitas yang berupatuntutan berbicara seperlunya, maksim relasional yang bcrkaitandengan kerelevansian dengan sesuatu yang dituturkan,dan maksim 'cara yang berwujud cara mengemukakan sesuatu.Maksiro Cara inilah yang dalam banyak hal menentukan stile"penuturan seseorang. Bentuk metafora -yang memiliki keunggulankarena kemarnpuannya rnengemukakan banyak dengansedikit kata- yang sering ban yak dipergunakan dalam percakapandapat dipahami dengan memanfaatkan jasa implikaturterutama yang berupa maksiro relasional. Dampak bagi pengajaranbahasa dan sastra di sekolah adalah perlunya pengajaranpembuat~n implikatur-implikatur karena kemampuan itutak akan diperoleh begitu saja oleh anak

    Penilaian Otentik

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    In the era of Competency-Based Curriculum/School-Based Curriculum, theassessment emphasizes students' performance in each subject. They are required toacquire not only the cognitive aspect but also the performance aspect. Oneassessment model relevant to this is the authentic assessment. Such an assessmentemphasizes students' ability to meaningfully demonstrate the knowledge theyhave acquired. The assessment not only asks questions about the knowledge theyhave acquired, but also requires the actual performance relevant to the knowledge.There are some differences between a traditional assessment and an authenticassessment. The former emphasizes the elicitation of knowledge the students haveacquired through objective tests, while the latter emphasizes the tasks that makethe students practice meaningfully learning outcomes in real life, reflecting themastery of knowledge and skills in a particular subject. The necessary steps todevelop an authentic assessment include (1) setting the standard; (2) assigningauthentic tasks; (3) selecting the criteria; and (4) designing the rubric. One popularauthentic assessment at present is the portfolio assessment model. This model is aclass-based assessment conducted during the learning process. A portfolio is acollection of students' works systematically arranged during a certain learningperiod, used to monitor the development of the students' knowledge, skills, andattitudes in a particular subject

    Perencanaan Program Pengembangan Budi Daya Perikanan Di Dinas Kelautan Dan Perikanan Kabupaten Mamuju Utara

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    This study aims to identify and analyze the planning of development programs in aquaculture ponds in the Department of Fisheries Keluatan and North Mamuju regency. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative approach, measuring the program planning based on the opinions Glen in Adi (2004: 81) include: responsive planning aspects, aspects of community involvement and collaboration aspects. The collection of data through observation, interview, and documentation, analyzed through the stages of data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The study concluded that, not paying attention responsive planning as activity planning program activities developing aquaculture (sea and land) that are based on the formulation of the problems faced by farmers/ fishermen, not pay attention to the planning community involvement in the preparation of action plan development programs in aquaculture (sea and land) by actively involving the farmers/ fishermen. Preparation of program development of aquaculture is not maximized increase incomes for the welfare and independence, because it does not involve the target communities, and not pay attention to the planning of collaboration in the preparation of action plan development program aquaculture (sea and land) on the basis of cooperation between intansi-related technical stakeholders (community organizations, community groups and farmers / fishermen). A form of collaboration which is inter-related SKPD, face many obstacles due to the head SKPD still think that the problem domain of fisheries development is the responsibility of the Department of Marine and Fisheries, and no association with other officials

    Kontribusi Sastra Anak dalam Pembentukan Kepribadian Anak

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    Just like adults, children, too, need various information ofthe world, ofall the things present and happening in their surroundings. To support the growth oftheir self-identity and personality, efforts should be madeto fulfil that need. Providing them with what is right­ fully theirs is the duty ofadults and at the same time a form oftheir appreciation ofchildren. Storytelling is one way to provide them with the information they need. Everyone likes and has.a need ofstories. Stories present and make dialogues about life in appealing and concrete ways. Through stories told, children gain the various infonnation they will need in their life.The stories intended for children\u27s consumption can be taken from and given through children\u27s point of view as the focus ofnarration. It is believed that children\u27s literature contributes greatly to the development ofchildren\u27s personality in the process ofcoming to adulthood as persons possessing clear self-identity. It is believed that literature can be a means ofimplanting, fostering, developing, and preserving values considered good and worthy by the family, society, and nation.The implantation ofvalues can be done right from the time children are still unable to speak and write will. The contribution ofchildren\u27s literature to children\u27s personality develop­ ment can be roughly differentiated into that concerning personal values and that concerning educational values, the former related to emotional and intellectual development, the development ofthe imagination, and that ofthe social, ethical, and religious senses and the latter related to the desire for exploration and discovery, to language development, to the development ofesthetic values, to multicultural insights, and to the implantation ofthe reading habit

    Strategi Pengembangan Daya Saing Lulusan Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknik: Studi Kasus Pts X di Kopertis Wilayah II

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    The high level of competition in the world of education and limited available employment requires every university to continuously improve the quality of its education in order to be able to produce qualified graduates in various levels and fields of science. Therefore, a competitiveness development strategy is needed for industrial engineering graduates in engineering faculty, due to lack of company understanding about industrial engineering profession and some conditions about the scope of work of industrial engineering graduates. In this research data analysis using SWOT, EFI Matrix, EFE and IE. The result of this research can be seen that the design of the competitiveness development strategy of industrial engineering graduates of Faculty of Engineering PTS X is in cell five (V) and from EFI and EFE matrix processing calculation, the average score is 2,616 and 2,909. Strategies that can be done there are 78 points for development, in this study based on SWOT analysis needed for development seen from SO, WO, ST, WT

    Rambu Pembelajaran Danpenilaian Sastra Anak

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    Efforts to develop children's personality to the optimum should be made viavarious aspectsmlife, one of which is children's literature. Such literature is atpresent believed to be able to significantly.contribute to the shaping of children'spersonality. Therefore,it needs to be given its proper place in the learning andlearning achievement evaluation activities at school, which is in line with what isstated in the curriculum now in use, i.e., KTSP (short for Kurikulum Tingkat SatuanPerfdidikan, which means the Curriculum at the Level of Educational Unit), forelementary school in referring tothe school subject Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia(which means Education in the Indonesian Language).In running classes of children's literature for children of pre"school age throughto early adolescence in elementary school and early junior high school classes, oneshould pay attention to a number of significant related matters. They are, amongothers, the learning objective, type of children's literature, selection of learningstrategy, utilizationof media, development of teacher creativity, and showing ofteacher attitude expressing empathy. Evaluationis also related here becauseleartlingalways goes together with its evaluation. The techniques ofevaluation thatcOnldbe made use of are, among others, those employing quizzes, assignments,Observations, interviews,and portfolios. The learning and evaluation activities arenot -to be limited to the classroom. Most are to be done ontside the classroom bycondncting collaborations with parent

    Pengembangan Model Asesmen Otentik dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa

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    Developing a Model of Authentic Assessment in Language Learning. Thisstudy aims to produce a guidebook to authentic assessment in language learning,conducted in three years. In the first year, a field survey was conducted to obtaininformation about learning and assessment from Indonesian language teachers ofjunior high schools in Yogyakarta Special Territory and from researcher colleagues.The data were collected through questionnaires, interviews, documents, trainingand assistance, and focus group discussion. The data from the questionnaires wereanalyzed by percentage and other data by the qualitative descriptive technique.The survey shows that (1) generally teachers have not understood andimplemented authentic assessment in language learning, (2) strategies to empowerteachers are implemented through training, workshop, and assistance on designingand implementing authentic assessment, (3) teachers and researcher colleaguesexpect that the guidebook contains concepts of authentic assessment to measurelanguage competence, uses simple language, is easy to follow, and providesconcrete examples, and (4) the guidebook can accommodate the expectations